How to use “Maker Smiles”?

Published on: 21-Oct 10:51am

国际营销 组

Udgivet på - 21-Oct 10:51am

What is “Maker Smiles”?

Maker Smiles” is a point accumulation system of Makerfire, it can make your every paid order changes to discount code.


How to use Maker Smiles

Step 1: Login with your Makerfire account, and find the “Rewards” icon in the lower left corner.

Step 2: Click it to check your “Maker smile” point


Step 3: You could check more details about “Ways to earn Maker Smile” and “All rewards” in the following 2 options

Step 4:As long as you get enough “Maker Smile”, you could redeem the discount code by using Maker Smile!


Step 5: Enjoy the discount code on your next order!

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